Founded: 2024
Period: Biannually
Publisher: Balkan Studies Foundation

Aim and Scope

Aim And Scope

The Journal of Balkan Economies and Management (JBEM) is dedicated to publishing original scientific research that advances understanding of economic and management practices within the Balkan region. Our mission is to foster academic excellence by disseminating methodologically rigorous, theoretically sound, and empirically robust research.

Rigorous Academic Standards: JBEM seeks submissions that demonstrate a strong theoretical and methodological framework. Articles should contribute to existing knowledge by being methodologically sound, appropriately structured, and systematically presented. We welcome works that critically engage with existing theories or propose innovative perspectives.

Future-Oriented Analysis: The journal emphasizes forward-looking research that considers historical contexts to offer insights into future challenges and opportunities in the Balkans and beyond. Submissions should be underpinned by solid arguments and a clear analytical lens.

Local Knowledge Production: Priority is given to studies that delve into methodological, intellectual, historical, and theoretical discussions pertinent to the Balkans. We encourage contributions that highlight local knowledge production and offer regional insights with potential global implications.

Innovative Approaches: JBEM values research that presents novel approaches or offers fresh insights into global, intellectual, methodological, or historical questions affecting societies and individuals within the Balkan context.

Diverse Content: The journal publishes thematic issues alongside a variety of topics in each volume, reflecting the dynamic and interdisciplinary nature of economic and management studies related to the Balkans.

Relevance to Society: We prioritize research with practical implications for communities, societies, and future policy directions, aiming to contribute constructively to global academic discussions.

Publication Ethics: JBEM adheres to the highest ethical standards in publication, following the guidelines of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal operates under a double-blind peer review process to ensure impartiality and quality.

Submissions: Articles submitted should not be under consideration elsewhere and must represent original, unpublished work. Submissions are rigorously evaluated by at least two expert reviewers, with the Editorial Board making the final decision based on reviewers' recommendations. The ultimate authority on publication decisions rests with the Editor-in-Chief. The Journal of Balkan Economies and Management covers a wide range of disciplines including, but not limited to, history, sociology, political science, and international relations, all through the lens of Balkan economic and management studies. As an open access and online journal, our goal is to contribute significantly to the scientific community by offering high-quality, impactful publications.

Web of Science Research Area: Economics focused on Balkan economies, Business and Economics specific to the Balkan region, Area Studies emphasizing Balkan Economies

Web of Science Category: Business, Economics and Management with a regional emphasis on the Balkans.

Field of Science: Social Sciences with a focus on Economics and Business Management as it pertains to the Balkan region.

Keywords: Balkan economic development, Balkan business practices, Regional economic integration, Economic policy in the Balkans, Management strategies in the Balkans, Sustainable development in the Balkans, Entrepreneurship in the Balkans, Balkan financial markets, Tourism economics in the Balkans, Foreign investment in the Balkans, Economic impact of EU integration.

Publication Language

Full Text Publication Language: English

-Primary Language: English

-Secondary Language: Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian Content Written in English and Latin Alphabet

-Article Title: English & Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian

-Author Name: English (in Latin Alphabet)

-Author Address: English (in Latin Alphabet)

-Key Words: English & Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian -Source: English (Latin Alphabet)

Full Text English (in Latin Alphabet) If the full text is sent in Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, the extended abstract must also be included in the text. (in Latin Alphabet)

Article Submissions

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Balkan Economies and Management must align with the journal's aims and scope, contributing valuable insights into Balkan economic studies and management. We accept only original, unpublished manuscripts that are not currently under review by another journal. Each submission must have the consensus of all authors and adhere to the highest ethical standards of academic integrity. By submitting, authors affirm that their work is exclusive to this journal until the editorial decision is made.


The Journal of Balkan Economies and Management targets a diverse audience including professionals, specialists, researchers, postgraduate and doctoral students, as well as undergraduates interested in the economic and management dynamics of the Balkan region. It aims to foster continuous professional development and cultivate a culture of research within these fields, offering insights and analyses that are both rigorous and relevant to our readership’s professional and academic endeavors.

Fee Policy

The Journal of Balkan Economies and Management is committed to ensuring open access to high-quality research without imposing financial barriers. Therefore, we do not charge any fees for article submission, processing, or publication. In line with our publication ethics, the journal does not engage in sponsorship or advertising agreements. All operational expenses are fully supported by the Balkan Studies Foundation, underscoring our dedication to fostering academic and professional development within the field of Balkan Economies and Management.


The copyrights of works published in the Journal of Balkan Economies and Management remain with the authors. By submitting their manuscripts, authors grant the journal permission to publish their intellectual work under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. This license allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Originality of Articles

The Journal of Balkan Economies and Management only accepts submissions that are original and have not been published elsewhere. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and originality. On exceptional occasions, articles previously published in a language other than English may be considered for publication, provided they meet our rigorous standards and the submission includes an explicit justification for re-publication in English. This policy ensures a wider dissemination of knowledge while maintaining the integrity and originality of contributions to the field.