Foundations of Organizational Culture: A Comprehensive Review
This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of seminal cultural studies by Schein, Hofstede, and the Project GLOBE initiative, examining their influence on contemporary organizational contexts. The study conducts a literature review and comparative assessment of the cultural models proposed by Schein, Hofstede, and the Project GLOBE initiative. Additional cultural models from Schwartz and Trompenaars are briefly reviewed to acknowledge their relevance. The analysis reveals that Schein’s model emphasizes cultural artifacts, beliefs, and assumptions; Hofstede’s model focuses on six dimensions of national cultures; and the Project GLOBE initiative identifies nine cultural dimensions affecting leadership and organizational processes. These models collectively offer a comprehensive understanding of organizational culture and its impact on behavior and performance. This paper contributes to the field by synthesizing and comparing key cultural models, highlighting their enduring significance in organizational studies and providing insights into their practical applications in various organizational settings.
This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of seminal cultural studies by Schein, Hofstede, and the Project GLOBE initiative, examining their influence on contemporary organizational contexts. The study conducts a literature review and comparative assessment of the cultural models proposed by Schein, Hofstede, and the Project GLOBE initiative. Additional cultural models from Schwartz and Trompenaars are briefly reviewed to acknowledge their relevance. The analysis reveals that Schein’s model emphasizes cultural artifacts, beliefs, and assumptions; Hofstede’s model focuses on six dimensions of national cultures; and the Project GLOBE initiative identifies nine cultural dimensions affecting leadership and organizational processes. These models collectively offer a comprehensive understanding of organizational culture and its impact on behavior and performance. This paper contributes to the field by synthesizing and comparing key cultural models, highlighting their enduring significance in organizational studies and providing insights into their practical applications in various organizational settings.
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